Bold Earth Camp,Make me so happy!

Author : Denika Kao    Source : Global Camp    03/24/2017

Young Writer's Introduction:
小作者Denika Kao 13岁,就读于纽约私立学校 The Ethical Culture Fieldston School。爱好阅读、踢足球、长笛。2016年夏天第一次参加住宿夏令营。

There are a million different camps all around the world-so why Bold Earth? Well, not only did Bold Earth bring new opportunities to try new things and meet new friends, they also taught me responsibility in a safe and friendly environment. Simple things such as cooking for the group, setting up and taking down the tents, cleaning out the van that we use to get to and from places, and keeping track of your belongings can really impact the way you think about living by yourself. I had the best group one could hope for, with understanding counselors and welcoming peers. Now, whenever I think back to those two weeks of pure fun, I smile and laugh, reminded of the hair-raising adventures and moments I had.

Bold Earth weaned me out of my comfort zone, and challenged me to try new things, such as mountain biking. What I thought it was going to be like was very different from what it actually was. The image in my head was like this: nice scenic routes through lakes and mountains, pleasantly cool weather,with plenty of long breaks along the way. What it really was: thrilling risky paths down the side of a mountain, turns and twists all the way down, and short thirty second breaks every now and then along the trail. Let me tell you, I was not expecting that, but nevertheless, it was exhilarating. Experienced mountain bikers were there to help us along the way, each biker with a group of three orso. If people had trouble riding bikes, it was no problem at all. All you simply had to do was to slow down, and the guides would match your pace. After lunch, which had followed the mind-blowing biking, we pedaled to a dirt ramp park. This was a place for people of all different ages to show off their skills, with dirt ramps and bumps to be found in every single nook and cranny. I loved it, and it showed me a whole different side to biking.

For me, the backpacking hike was the highlight of the trip. During these three days, we climbed the mountain Rosalie Peak. Never having experienced this before, the whole trip from the beginning to the end was new to me. This part of the camp was where the interaction with nature got real; and I mean really real! We got our water from nearby brooks and streams, then added purifying tablets to our water bottles. Have to go to the bathroom? No problem, just find a nearby tree that sheltered, or dig a hole if it’s number two. Our counselors taught us so much about leaving behind no trace, which meant taking all of our garbage with us, making sure we left each place we had camped it the way we found it, and taking care of the environment that we travelled through. All of us carried our own backpacks which held our clothing, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, toiletries,etc. We, campers and counselors alike, helped carry the foodload, and other necessities that we would need. During the scale up the mountain, there were plenty of breaks, with funny jokes and stories shared in between pants from exhaustion, and moments where everyone wanted to fall down and never get up. But the hard work was totally worth it in the end, when we summited the 13,575 ft tall mountain on day two. The view was breathtaking,like our own private scenery that only we could have access to. I will never forget that moment, gazing down at everything else, from lakes and rivers to trees and snow.

Bold Earth was the first camp where I really spent a lot of time away from my parents, and I have to admit, I was having so much fun I didn’t feel homesick! When I first signed up for this camp, I was scared, because of how down-to-earth it was. I mean, no running water for two whole weeks?! It was all worth it in the end. Besides doing and learning new activities, we also did some volunteer work, which made my friends and I feel good about ourselves;that feeling where you feel satisfied with what you did. Bold Earth taught me so much about appreciating life, and I have made so many memories and friends that I will cherish forever. I can’t wait to return next summer!


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